

Simply Summit

Simple by Design

Summit Health Insurance Services Inc., is a Roseville, CA health insurance company offering the best health insurance benefits custom-tailored for your company. Summit serves on the front lines of your organization, responding readily and resourcefully to employee calls and advocating for their needs with healthcare providers so that processes are streamlined and every employee benefit need is handled efficiently and effectively. Summit makes the benefit process simple by taking the hassle out of healthcare.  


Get in Touch

Summit serves on the front lines of your organization, responding readily and resourcefully to employee calls and advocating for their needs with healthcare providers. 

Contact us for a consultation ▸


Meet the Team

Reliable, Responsible, Passionate, Vivacious, Driven.

Reliable, Responsible, Passionate, Vivacious, Driven.

CEO/Benefits Broker

Ronda Herman

Ronda’s passion to promote health and wellbeing for people and communities led her to make health insurance services her career and business. She believes that the more people we can help get insurance coverage the more people can get preventive visits and take care of themselves. 

She also enjoys interacting with business owners, HR professionals and employees; learning about what people do, and finding ways to help people operate more efficiently.  

We are all given the same amount of time each day, we try to make the most of our hours each day – and we have fun doing it.

For 20 years, she has used her skills and expertise to help people use health care as their foundation by learning what their business does and how it works. She focuses on simplifying the complex topic of health care and providing guidance and support to her clients and their employees when they need it the most.

When not at Summit, Ronda spends time improving her home, spending time with her beautiful children, friends and family. She enjoys traveling, wine tasting, boating, camping, hiking, running, watching her son play sports, and baking with her daughter.

“The only way to do great work is to LOVE what you do.” - Steve Jobs


Trustworthy, Compassionate, Friendly, Knowledgeable, Positive

Reliable, Trustworthy, Compassionate, Friendly, Knowledgeable, Positive

Account Manager

Terina Moore

Terina’s focus on client care makes her the perfect addition to the Summit team. Terina uses her 21 years of experience in the dental industry to advocate for Summit’s clients, handling all their billing and administrative needs.
Motivated by a desire to give her clients the answers they need, Terina spends her days making sure everyone is getting the proper care to ensure their wellbeing. 

What excites me is that Summit has services for their clients that other firms do not and we go above and beyond to ensure they are happy and satisfied with our services.

When she is not working you’ll find Terina camping, swimming and enjoying family life.  

Her Favorite Quote is: Commit yourself to your goals…and whatever it is you want…go after it…work hard for it…and don’t give up on it!


Persistent, motivated, professional and patient.

Persistent, motivated, professional and patient.

Account Coordinator

Leann Miller

If Leann has one guiding principle at Summit Health, it is, “We are here to help.” 

Her favorite part of her job is when she can solve a real issue for her clients. Like the time she helped resolve an international medical claim. With patience and persistence, Leann was able to get the insurance company to reimburse the employee for the emergency services they had while on vacation.  

That’s just one example of the way Leann routinely advocates for her clients at Summit.

I love helping people resolve insurance claims. It’s nice to help relieve that unwanted stress from them, especially if they have an ongoing medical condition. It allows them to focus on getting better.

Her more than 10 years of working in the dental industry taught her great listening skills and patience.  Working with insurance companies can be very frustrating. Patience is a necessity. 

Outside of work, Leann enjoys spending time with family and friends, especially when it involves camping.

Leann is inspired by the optimism of Shel Silverstein: “Anything is possible. Anything can be.”



In the Community

Summit sponsors the following organizations:

• Del Oro High School Golden Eagles
• Placer Community Foundation
• Loomis Youth Soccer Club
• Roseville Chamber of Commerce

• Gold Country Fair Grounds

• Placer County SPCA